Elbow pain is a symptom of postural misalignment. Check out this article by Pete Egoscue, founder of the Egoscue Method, from Sonima.com. The article addresses tennis elbow, but the information and issues are the same whether you play tennis, or not. Then, contact Vrnda at Be Pain Free , Egoscue-certified posture therapist.
- Aging
- Bunions
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Digestive Issues
- Dizziness
- Elbow Pain
- Fatigue
- Foot & Ankle Pain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Groin Pain
- Hamstring Pain
- Hand Pain
- Hip Degeneration
- Jaw Pain TMJ
- Knee Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Mid Back Pain
- Migraine Headaches
- Neck Pain
- Obesity
- Parkinson’s
- Plantar Fascitis
- Poor Balance
- Post Concussion Syndrome
- Pregnancy Pain
- Rotator Cuff
- Sciatic Pain
- Scoliosis
- Shin Splints
- Shoulder Pain
- Sinus Pain
- Spondylolisthesis
- Stenosis
- Tennis Elbow
- Vertigo/ Dizzines
- Wrist Pain